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What's A Knucklehead? Someone not so Bright?

What's A Serious Knucklehead? Someone Seriously not so Bright?

But are we?  I Think Not. Humor, mixed with Sarcasm and a little cheese is actually not so bad. Welcome to the World of the Serious, but not so Serious - Knucklehead.


We believe in God, America and Family.

Products are designed and printed in the USA. 

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My Story

My father use to call me and my sister a couple of knuckleheads. A fun term of endearment that would make liberal heads explode. When I was thinking up a name, I mentioned to my daughter Amanda, that I should call it,  "The Knucklehead". She replied, "Seriously" and the light bulb went off. That's it. It isn't anymore complicated - The Serious Knucklehead was born.

Past assists future

I was a professional photographer and worked in a studio environment along with free lance for over two decades. Eventually, digital photography made it more difficult to make a living as the landscape was changing at a rapid pace along with the publics accessibility to create photos instantly. This in turn lessened the demand for photographers and in addition the standards shifted. I decided to change direction, just a little, and write a serious, but fun book about photography. As time marched on and for various reasons, I decided to table the project.  I was discovering a new direction in my life and I ended up in the t-shirt business and this experience coupled with Photoshop took me in an entirely different direction. 


 At this time, I was also on a spiritual journey. I prayed and asked for guidance and for God's Blessing so I could be a blessing to others. In time, ideas flooded my mind, and in turn this evolved into different products creating different collections. I decided to keep the name and create a one stop shop and put them all under one roof. 

I am a Mom of a beautiful daughter, a Patriot, a Conservative, Trump supporter and most of all I Love Jesus. I ask for his blessing on my life and my daughters as I moved forward to be a blessing to others. I may run The Serious Knucklehead,

but God owns it.



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The Serious Knucklehead

6340 Lake Worth Blvd Suite 232

Fort Worth, TX 76135

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